book cover

Magic Academy


Chapter 1

As the inaugural day of the new school year dawned, the halls of the Mystic Academy pulsated with an infectious excitement. Returning students, their faces animated with tales of adventures from the long break, paraded through the corridors, eager to showcase their latest wands and magical gizmos. Laughter echoed as seasoned students proudly demonstrated perfected spells to their comrades, a dazzling display that left the incoming students utterly amazed.

Among the newcomers was Isabella, a wide-eyed first-year student. Enthralled by the magical spectacle unfolding around her, she harbored a desire to share her own fledgling magical abilities with her peers. However, her enthusiasm was swiftly quashed by Calem, a stern prefect responsible for guiding the first-year group through orientation.

"Please be reminded, first-year students may not

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perform any magic outside of the classroom without the permission and supervision of a teacher!" Calem's voice reverberated through the bustling corridor, cutting through the magical chatter.

Beside Isabella stood Julius, a fellow first-year who couldn't help but remark in a low voice to the prefect, "You didn't have to be so rude about it."

Isabella turned to see who had spoken, her eyes meeting those of a tall and lanky boy with long black hair and deep silvery-blue eyes.
"Hi, I'm Julius," he introduced himself.
For a moment, Isabella was rendered speechless, captivated by the intensity of Julius's gaze. It felt as if he could peer into her soul, unraveling the threads of past, present, and future.

Feeling uncertain about how to react, Isabella eventually mustered a gentle introduction, saying,
"I'm Isabella. Nice to meet you. "
Julius replied with a composed yet authoritative tone,
His confidence exuded a remarkable level of assurance.

~ welcome back students ~

Though Isabella initially perceived a hint of cockiness, she swiftly revised her impression, thinking,
"Not cocky, but rather very self-assured."

Isabella remained entranced, fixating on Julius's eyes, unable to resist as if captured by a spell. Eventually, Julius averted his gaze, strolling away seemingly disinterested in the unspoken competition. Lost in the moment, Isabella stood motionless. Julius glanced back and asked,
"Are you coming?"
Bewildered by his words, Isabella snapped out of her daze.
"The group is moving on," he added.
Suddenly embarrassed, Isabella responded,
"Oh, yes. Sorry!"
Moving forward quickly, brushing pass Julius with her eyes low.

The remainder of the morning section unfolded rather uneventfully for the first-year students as they acquainted themselves with the school grounds and adhered to its regulations. The prefects took every opportunity to emphasize the importance of following the rules,

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designed to ensure the safety of the students.

Calem, the head prefect, would start with a solemn reminder,
"This is a magical realm. Numerous strange and potent enchantments permeate the surroundings. Magical creatures roam both seen and unseen; most are docile, but some can pose serious threats and demand powerful magic to handle."
He reassured them, saying,
"All you need to do is adhere to the rules, and you'll be safe and able to enjoy your time here."

As the morning session concluded, the students were escorted back to the great hall for lunch. All the first-year groups reunited for the first time since their initial separation in the early hours. It was a substantial gathering of new pupils, one of the largest in years.

"Please find a seat wherever there's an open space," the prefect instructed the students.
Isabella chose a spot near the front of the hall, close to the head table—a position no student preferred unless

~ welcome back students ~

there were no other options.

The immense head table, spanning the width of the hall and situated at the forefront, commanded attention.

Thirteen oversized chairs, exclusively reserved for the senior staff, stood behind it.

Among these thirteen chairs, the one positioned at the center was a spectacle in itself, marked by intricate ornamentation. It surpassed its counterparts in size and boasted a gold-plated frame crafted from oak. The wood, meticulously carved with elaborate designs, acquired a lustrous deep finish that accentuated its inherent beauty.

The chair's embellishments were a testament to its grandeur, featuring magical symbols and family crests harkening back to the school's original founders. The backrest was a canvas of intricate carvings, depicting motifs representing high magic. Broad and robust arms added to the overall authoritative aura of the chair.

A palpable enchantment seemed to emanate from the chair, giving it an almost animate quality. The craftsmanship and symbolism combined to create a seat

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of profound significance, resonating with the magical heritage of the school.

As the students found their seats and settled in, a resounding bang echoed from the front of the hall.

An abrupt hush fell over the vast room as every head turned towards the source of the sound. Thirteen figures emerged from a side door, positioning themselves alongside one of the twelve chairs. The final person to exit the door was a small, diminutive figure who took a place next to the center chair.

Calem, the head prefect, assumed his position at a side podium near the front of the room.
"Attention, everyone! Please stand!" he declared.
As the students and teachers promptly rose to their feet, the entire hall filled with a collective response to Calem's command. The thirteen figures, having momentarily stood, took their seats in unison.

"Please be seated," Calem declared once more,
his voice resonating through the hall. The sound of chairs settling and the rustle of clothing filled the room as the attendees gracefully returned to their

~ welcome back students ~

seats, awaiting the proceedings that were about to unfold.


Chapter 2

As all the students settled into their seats, the Head Mistress gracefully rose from her chair to address the assembly. The resounding taps of a gavel striking a wooden table reverberated through the hall, instantly silencing the room as every gaze turned toward the grand table, and ears perked up in anticipation.

"Welcome, first years, to the Mystic Academy!" Head Mistress began.
"You are here because you possess special abilities bestowed upon you from the day you were born—the ability to wield magic. This gift is granted to only one in every five thousand children. For some of you, the ability comes naturally, like breathing air, while others may find the journey to master their magic a formidable challenge."

She continued, "The Academy was created to help you master your magic, and so, we look forward to imparting our knowledge to you so you can become the best wizards and

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witches possible. But be duly warned, the journey ahead will be hard for all of you and fraught with danger. My staff and I will do our utmost to see you through till graduation. All we ask in return is dedication to your craft and adherence to school rules."

The air in the grand hall of Mystic Academy buzzed with anticipation as the newly arrived first-year students listened intently to Head Mistress Astradel's words. The flickering candles cast dancing shadows on the ancient walls adorned with magical sigils. The atmosphere was charged with the promise of discovery and the weight of responsibility.

"As wizards and witches," Head Mistress Astradel continued,
her gaze sweeping across the eager faces before her,
"you will not only learn to control the forces that flow through you but also to understand the responsibilities that come with wielding such power. Magic is a force that can shape worlds, and it is your duty to use it wisely.",
She paused for a moment, letting the gravity of her words sink in. The students exchanged glances, some wide-eyed

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with excitement, while others seemed more contemplative.

"In your time here at Mystic Academy, you will study the ancient arts, delve into the mysteries of spellcasting, and unlock the secrets of the arcane. But remember, true mastery of magic goes beyond the incantations and wand movements. It requires discipline, dedication, and a profound respect for the balance that magic brings to the world."

Head Mistress Astradel's stern expression softened as she spoke with a touch of encouragement,
"You are not alone in this journey. Your fellow students will become your allies, and the faculty your guides. Together, we shall navigate the intricacies of magic, facing challenges that will test your abilities and character."

As the students erupted into polite applause, excited chatter filled the grand hall. The magical ceiling above replicated a warm sunny day filled with song birds, adding to the enchanting ambiance. Professor Astradel gracefully stepped down from the stage, her robes billowing as

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she made her way towards Vice Head Mistress Fortuna.

Fortuna, a distinguished figure with silver-streaked hair and a demeanor that exuded both wisdom and authority, met Astradel with a concerned expression. The pulsating red glow from Astradel's wand was unmistakable, and Fortuna's keen instincts told her that something of great importance was unfolding. As the head Mistress

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approached Fortuna, her eyes shaded with a deep intensity. Fortuna, familiar with the unspoken language between them, halted her inquiry. It was a message transmitted directly into Astradel's eyes, an encoded communication only she could understand.

"Astradel, what is it?" Fortuna inquired, her voice barely audible over the noise of the students. Astradel's expression tightened, a mixture of concern and determination in her eyes.
"An urgent message from the High Council. We must convene immediately. There's trouble brewing in the magical realms, and they seek our counsel."

Fortuna nodded, her own wand at the ready.
"I'll inform the staff to prepare for an emergency meeting. Students can continue with their meal in the meantime."

As Astradel and Fortuna headed toward the hidden chamber where the Council convened, the atmosphere shifted from one of celebration to a sense of urgency. The students exchanged puzzled glances, their excitement now replaced with curiosity and a hint of trepidation.

Dear Head Mistress Astradel,

The High Council has recently discovered that a covert organization, identified as the Black Moon Order (BMO), has deployed their top assassin for a mission. The purpose and target of this mission remain unknown to us, and the identity of the assassin is also shrouded in mystery. It is presumed that the BMO considers this mission to be of utmost importance. While the Council conducts further investigations into the concerning activities of the BMO, we urge you and your staff to exercise all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of the academy without causing any undue alarm. See you soon.

High Council

~ secret missive ~

In the secret chamber, surrounded by ancient tapestries and mystical artifacts, the Council of Elders appeared through ethereal portals. The council members, clad in robes that shimmered with magical energy, greeted Astradel and Fortuna with solemn nods.

"Head Mistress Astradel, Vice Head Mistress Fortuna, we have dire news," intoned the leader of the High Council,
a venerable wizard with a long white beard. He projected an image of a darkened realm, shadows spreading like an insidious disease.

"The Veil that separates our world from the Abyss is weakening. Dark forces are gaining strength, threatening to breach the barrier between realms," he explained, the gravity of his words settling heavily in the room.

Astradel and Fortuna shared solemn glances. Astradel took a step forward, probing into the matter of the Black Moon Order and its role in the weakening of the veil.
"Is the Black Moon Order tied to this calamity?" she inquired.
Pella Chember, a high council member and the head of the Magic Intel and Defense Force, responded,

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"We are not certain of their involvement, if any. Our top field operatives are still conducting investigations, and we will keep you updated on our progress."

"The delicate balance between the magical realms is at stake, and Mystic Academy, with its skilled wizards and witches, was crucial in maintaining that order." the Council head chimmed in.

With a deep breath, Astradel addressed the council,
"We will do everything in our power to safeguard the school and protect the realms. Mystic Academy will rise to

this challenge, and together, we shall confront the looming darkness."

As the emergency meeting unfolded, the students, unaware of the impending danger, continued their meal, their laughter and camaraderie echoing through the grand hall—a stark contrast to the weighty discussions taking place behind the enchanted doors of the secret chamber.


Chapter 3

human eyes

Isabella couldn't help but notice the shift in the atmosphere at the head table. The abrupt departure of Professor Astradel and Vice Head Mistress Fortuna raised her concern, prompting her to watch the secret door through which they vanished. Lost in her thoughts and questions, she barely noticed Calem's approach as he took a seat beside her.

Calem attempted a casual greeting, "Hello again," in a teasing manner, but Isabella remained engrossed in her thoughts, unresponsive. Undeterred, Calem moved closer and made another attempt to engage her, "Hello, do you mind if I sit next to you?" This time, he succeeded in getting her attention.

Startled, Isabella responded, "What?" having missed his initial request. Unfazed, Calem repeated his inquiry with exaggerated enunciation, "Doooo yoooou mind meee sitting heeeere?"

~ calem's eyes ~

Isabella, now fully attentive but puzzled, retorted, "Why are you talking funny?"

Calem grinned, realizing that Isabella's distraction was not a result of his attempts at conversation but rather something more serious. He followed her gaze toward the secret door, the worry etched on her face not escaping his notice.
"Something's not right, huh?" Calem observed, his playful demeanor shifting to a more serious tone.

Isabella hesitated for a moment, torn between her curiosity and the need to keep the emerging situation quiet. Nevertheless, her concern got the better of her, and she decided to confide in Calem.
"Yeah, I don't know what's going on, but it seems important. Professor Astradel and Vice Head Mistress Fortuna left in a hurry, and it didn't look like a regular staff meeting."

Calem's expression mirrored her concern. "Should we go check it out? I mean, it's not like we're just regular first-year students. We have magic at our disposal, right?"

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Isabella faced Calem, a perplexed expression etched across her features.
"What do you mean? all first-years have magic." she inquired.
Calem responded, "You're mostly correct about that!"

"So, are you interested in finding out what's going on in the chamber?" he inquired once more.

Isabella considered the suggestion, her eyes still fixed on the now-closed secret door. "You're right. We do have magic. And if something is threatening the school, maybe we should be part of the solution. But we have to be discreet. We can't let the others know; it might cause unnecessary panic." "...Remember, we still don't know whats going on." she added.

Calem nodded in agreement. "Agreed. Let's be subtle about it." With a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching, they both stood up and casually made their way toward the concealed entrance.

Upon reaching the concealed door, Isabella paused briefly, a slight wave of anxiety washing over her as her

~ calem's eyes ~

heart quickened. "Keep calm," reassured Calem. "Right... sorry," she replied, her composure returning with Calem's soothing demeanor. "What now?" she inquired, expressing concern. "Surely the door is sealed with enchantments to keep people out," she added.

Approaching the door, Calem's eyes widened, their colors undergoing a remarkable transformation. The silver segments shifted to an almost golden shade, distinct from the blue silver hues that separated. His pupils divided into concentric circles of black and gray, undulating in a mesmerizing display. Isabella stood in awe, shocked by the extraordinary magic unfolding before her. It dawned on her just how unique Calem was—a rare breed of wizards and witches known as Tana-zhan. Though she had only read about Tana-zhans in books, she was now witnessing one in action firsthand.



The door opened slightly. Calem, utilizing his visual prowess, temporarily dispelled the enchantment. Turning to Isabella, he whispered, "see...easy squeeze."

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Mouth agape, Isabella was left speechless. Calem gently pushed the door ajar, allowing them to slip through quietly without drawing any attention.

Now on the other side, they found themselves in a dimly lit corridor. Calem closed the door behind them.



Once more, the enchantment was reinstated over the chamber door.

"I know what you are!" Isabella exclaimed with excitement. Calem glanced at her and smiled. "Why didn't you tell me you're Tana-zhan born? I mean, I should have known the first time we met... it's the eyes... how could I have missed that?" She grabbed his face to take a closer look into his eyes. "Wow, this is so amazing!"

"Yeah, I am Tana-zhan born," Calem admitted. "it's really not a big deal," he added.

"Not a big deal?" Isabella retorted sarcastically. "Tana-zhans are legendary in the wizarding world," she rattled

~ calem's eyes ~

on about the powerful sect. Calem interrupted Isabella, saying, "We don't have time for this at the moment. Let's talk about it later, shall we?"
"...yes...yes, of-course" she relented.

Peering into the distance revealed an extended, dim corridor. Progressing forward, a lamp flickered to life, casting a limited glow on the pathway. Upon reaching the boundary of the illuminated space, another lamp illuminated their way as they moved forward. Approaching the end of the lengthy hallway, they encountered an obstructing wall.
"Perhaps there's a concealed door here," proposed Isabella.
They initiated a search along the wall, exploring for any hints of cracks or seams that could indicate a hidden doorway.

Recalling a spell designed for uncovering concealed entrances, Isabella seized the ideal moment to put her magical abilities to use. Swiftly producing her wand, she positioned herself at a distance from the wall. Directing her wand toward the barrier, she intoned the incantation,

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"reveleos entara!"
Instantaneously, a radiant bead emerged from the wand's tip, colliding with the wall akin to a water splash. The luminous bead fragmented into countless smaller particles, coursing around the wall in streams of light.

Shortly after the spell took effect, a discernible pattern began to materialize. The luminescent beads eventually ceased their movement, unveiling the outline of a door. "That appears to be a door. Excellent work!" exclaimed Calem, directing his admiration towards Isabella.

Approaching the door, Isabella sought a handle. As she neared, the vines adorning the walls subtly shifted, eventually coalescing into a semblance of a handle. They both halted briefly, inhaling deeply. Isabella exchanged a nod with Calem before extending her hand, grasping the handle, and pushing. The door, weighty and reluctant, creaked open at a deliberate pace. Rays of light flooded through the narrow gap, momentarily blurring Isabella's sight. With each widening of the door, the room gradually revealed itself—an initial glimpse of bookshelves laden with books and a petite table crowned by a lamp, followed

~ calem's eyes ~

by the emergence of a substantial cage and additional bookshelves emerged, accompanied by the presence of a couch positioned next to a desk, adorned with two lamps at either end.

From within the room, a deep booming voice thundered, announcing,

"We have some eavesdroppers at the door!"

Startled, Calem and Isabella instinctively stepped back into the hall. However, the voice insisted,

"Come on in, don't be shy, children."

Hesitant yet intrigued, the two curious students cautiously entered the room together, only to be greeted by the imposing figures of five adults.

Among them were Professor Astradel, Professor Fortuna, and three distinguished members of the high council—Chief Grand Wizards Morlach, the head of the high council, Grand Wizard Chember, the head of the Magic

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Intelligence Agency, and Grand Witch Heleena, the senior advisor to the high council.

Head Mistress Astradel displayed clear displeasure upon seeing the two young students in the chamber. Approaching the scholars, she demanded an explanation.

"What is the meaning of this? How did you manage to bypass the outer chamber door? Only academy staff are permitted through that entrance. I would be dismayed to discover a staff member facilitated your entry. Two first years... You'd better provide a compelling excuse!"

The professor directed her focus to Isabella, awaiting answers.

"The enchantment was quite straightforward and easily dispelled,"

Calem responded with a crackle in his voice.

Professor Astradel shifted her attention to Calem, a wicked glint in her eyes as she approached him.

~ calem's eyes ~

Speaking with an intense, low tone, she questioned,

"What did you just say, simple? Nonetheless, first years should not have the capability to bypass it without assistance!"

Astradel closed the distance, bringing herself within inches of Calem's face, their noses almost touching. She locked eyes with him, her gaze penetrating. With a sudden realization, her eyes widened, and she took a deep breath. Turning to the council members, she inquired,

"Did you know about this?" The council members responded with smiles of embarrassment.

Heleena, the head high council advisor, addressed Astradel's inquiry,

"You mean you did not know? We sent out a messenger bird to alert you to the arrival of this child weeks ago."

Astradel turned to Heleena and said,

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"I received no such message. Perhaps the bird got lost!"

Heleena insisted, "Lost, impossible! Messenger birds do not get lost. Furthermore, I personally saw to it that the message was sent using one of our most experianced carrier bird."
The tension in the room escalated as the mystery surrounding Calem's unexpected arrival deepened.

Fortuna approached Calem, speaking openly, "A Tana-Zhan born. It has been a decade since the last Tana-Zhan student graced the academy… Incredibly gifted wizards and witches they are."

Fortuna paused, carefully scrutinizing Calem. "I see your eyes. This boy possesses the eye of knowledge and truth… So, that is how you were able to dispel the enchantment over the chamber door."

She added, "And you are so young. It's highly unusual for a Tana-Zhan born to exhibit such a commanding proficiency in their gifted prowess at your age."

~ calem's eyes ~

"Yes, undoubtedly he is a remarkably talented wizard to wield such control over his power at this age,"

Chief wizard Morlach interrupted, his deep, bellowing voice capturing the attention of everyone in the room. The atmosphere intensified with intrigue and anticipation as the various facets of Calem's presence unfolded.

Morlach advanced toward the two youngsters, his eyes shrewd.

"It seems curiosity got the better of the two of you," he commented directly to the first years.

"Please let me explain, Chancellor Morlach," Isabella replied.
"This had better be good, young lady, " Professor Astradel interjected.
"Yes, Professor… We were just really concerned when we saw all the commotion at the head table, and we wanted to help," Isabella explained.
"Help! You are nothing but first years. How would you be

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able to help?" Director Chember chimed in.

Chancellor Morlach halted his approach a few feet from both students, a mysterious air enveloping him. His clothes radiated a white glow which is an indication of his massive power.
"You two are very talented and gifted students, and I can understand your concern. But you need not worry; everything is being handled by the high council together with school staff. Your only concern should be learning to become strong at your craft," he admonished.
his words carrying a hint of undisclosed information.

Professor Astradel's gaze met Fortuna's, and in that silent exchange, an unspoken request hung heavy in the air.

"...Right, let's guide you both back to the main assembly hall," Fortuna somberly declared.

With measured steps, Fortuna passed by the students, issuing instructions to follow. Leading them out of the room, she guided them to the outer chamber door, which obediently swung open without the need for incantations.

~ secret missive ~

Isabella and Calem traversed the threshold, reentering the great hall. This time, the busy activities of the children ceased, and all eyes turned toward them. As the chamber door closed once again, Isabella and Calem, burdened with remorse, offered another apology to Fortuna. With a stern look on her face the vice principle replied with silence, sending a chilling message to the young adventurers.


Chapter 4

human eyes

Teetering on the edge of extinction, a collective of sorcerers known as the Phos sought refuge within the caverns of Qorcahal nestled in the Rhala mountains. The atmosphere within the caves crackled with both tension and determination as they prepared for their final stand against the forces of darkness.

Qorcahal held the essence of age-old enchantment, its walls imbued with spells woven by countless generations of wizards; its hallowed ground believed to be the birthplace of all magic.

The Phos, a coalition of varied magical abilities and origins, took shelter in this mystical haven to rejuvenate, consolidate their combined power, and devise strategies against the imminent threat posed by the Dark Moon order.

The wizards and witches of Phos knew that the battle ahead would be grueling, and the fate of the magical

~ history of the tana-zhan ~

realm hung in the balance. Each member brought unique abilities to the table, combining their powers to form a formidable force. Some were skilled in elemental magic, manipulating fire and ice with ease, while others specialized in illusion, stealth, or healing arts.

As the Dark Moon order closed in, the Phos fortified their position within the caves. Protective wards were etched into the stone walls, creating a barrier against the dark energies of their adversaries. The air hummed with the incantations of preparation, and the ground beneath echoed with the rhythmic pulse of magical spells intertwining.

In the heart of the Phos assembly, a council of the most seasoned wizards and witches formulated a plan of defense. Their leader, an elder known for their wisdom and powerful enchantments, addressed the group with a rallying cry, reminding them of the importance of their stand against the Dark Moon order.

The battle that unfolded in the caves of Qorcahal was a spectacle of magic and might. Spells clashed, creating bursts of dazzling light and thunderous roars.

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The Phos fought with all their heart , drawing upon the ancient magic embedded in the very stones around them.

The Dark Moon order, skilled in their own dark arts, pressed forward with relentless aggression. The clash of powers echoed through the mountains, shaking the very foundations of Qorcahal. With the destiny of the enchanted realm at stake, the two forces engaged in a struggle that would determine the future of their world.

The Dark Moon sorcerers soon gained the upper hand, breaching the outer barrier and overpowering Phos troops. Forced deeper into the caves, the Phos set up stronger barriers, draining their energy. Constructing these barriers took a toll on the sorcerers' spirits, risking their lives.

As Dark Moon troops advanced, clashes caused violent tremors, dislodging rocks. Trapped in a cave dead end, the Phos discovered a hidden entrance, unknown to their elders. Uncertain about its safety or destination, they had no choice but to enter, with the Dark Moon order in pursuit.

~ history of the tana-zhan ~

Facing an unknown path, the Phos elders took a desperate chance. They instructed the members to entered the mysterious tunnel, not knowing what awaited. In the hidden caves, a race for survival unfolded, blending magic with the shadows of the unknown.

The remaining Phos members entered the tunnel, leaving the elders behind. The elders chose to sacrifice themselves to defend the tunnel entrance, buying precious time for the others to escape.
"Keep moving ahead, do not turn back!" the elders shouted to the group.

Some members wanted to stay with the elders, but they were directed to go. Despite their hesitation, they eventually yielded and entered the cave, following the urgent call to escape.

With all the members out of sight, the elders stationed at the cave's entrance raised their voices together. They chanted in unison, invoking the death protection enchantment. This powerful spell funneled their spirit

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energy into the seal of life and death, forging the ultimate barrier with their very souls, forfeiting their lives.

The death protection barrier, a forbidden magic, is not commonly taught to young wizards and witches. This protective ward strengthens in response to the enemy's attacks, and it is deemed impenetrable, creating a formidable defense against any assault.

The tunnel echoed with the chants of the elders who remained behind, audible to the more seasoned members of the phos. Understanding the significance, these individuals silently wept, concealing their grief from the rest of the group.
"We need to press on!" exclaimed the group's leader.

After trekking for hours, the tunnel expanded into an expansive underground cavern, its ceiling reaching a towering 100 meter high. The group dispersed to search for alternative exits, but their efforts proved futile. As they regrouped in the center of the cavern, the ominous sounds of approaching dark moon soldiers filled the air

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Despite the seemingly impenetrable barrier, the soldiers managed to break through, instilling a sense of dread among the group.

"This is where we make our final stand. There's no other way out," declared the group leader.

They formed a circle in the heart of the underground chamber, wands poised for the impending and decisive battle.


The End